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A better shave for less

safety razor comparison money savings chart

Other razor companies lure you to a cheap razor and then make their money by locking you into their expensive razor blades. We believe instead that you can get a better shave for less with Vali.

The difference between our safety razor and other “regular” razors is that the safety razor often comes with a slightly higher initial price. But you quickly earn it back within a few months. To see how much approximately you can save within 2 years of shaving with our safety razor compared to other “regular” razors, take a look at the charts below:

Vali vs Gillette

5 shaves/blade
shaving every 3 day

5 shaves/blade
shaving every 3 day

Vali vs Bic

5 shaves/blade
shaving every 3 day

5 shaves/blade
shaving every 3 day

Vali vs Disposable razor

5 shaves/blade
shaving every 3 day

1 shave/blade
shaving every 3 day

Above prices based on Swedish retail prices 2021.

After 2 years of shaving with Gillette, you could have bought about 500 Vali double edge razor blades instead. As well as doing the environment and even your skin a favor.

After 2 years of shaving with a disposable, every 3rd day, you would have used a total of 250 disposable razors versus just 5 packs of Vali razor blades.

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